Sports News

Historic Moment: Ramsbottom Cricket Club Introduces First All-Women’s Team to Lancashire League

Breaking Ground in Cricket History

In a groundbreaking move, Ramsbottom Cricket Club is poised to make history by introducing the Lancashire League’s first-ever all-women’s team. The club, a proud founding member of the league since 1892, has announced that their first XI will join the prestigious league’s third section in the upcoming season. This historic decision follows their remarkable unbeaten run in the women’s Lancashire Cricket Foundation League during the last season.

League’s Enthusiastic Welcome

Expressing enthusiasm for this groundbreaking initiative, Lancashire League chairman Mike Bibby shared his excitement about welcoming the team to the third division. He hopes that other leagues will follow suit, stating, “There have been a number of changes to the league in the last few years, and this is the icing on the cake.

Inspiration from Flawless Performance

Andy Dalby, the director of cricket at Ramsbottom, revealed that the idea to compete against predominantly male teams originated from the first XI’s flawless performance in the previous year. After gaining support from players, parents, and fans, they approached the Lancashire League, receiving immense support for the initiative.

Rapid Growth of Women’s and Girls’ Section

Established in 2020, Ramsbottom’s women’s and girls’ section has experienced rapid growth, fielding teams from under 13s to under 19s. While the club envisions a future where women’s cricket thrives in competitive leagues, they recognized the need for an interim solution to aid in the progress of the female players they have attracted.

Dual Participation: Lancashire League and Foundation League

n addition to participating in the Lancashire League, the women’s and girls’ first XI will continue their journey in the women’s Lancashire Cricket Foundation League, with the aim of defending the trophies they secured in the previous season.

Club Chairman’s Vision for Progress

Club Chairman John Fox expressed joy at being at the forefront of promoting women’s cricket in the Lancashire League and the broader northwest region. He emphasized the club’s commitment to advancing the women’s game, stating, “We’re here really to try and help the women’s game progress. Develop us as players.

Success Under Head Coach Iain Collier

This groundbreaking move is another significant stride for Ramsbottom’s women’s and girls’ section, lauded for its success in various leagues. Head coach Iain Collier has played a crucial role in the section’s achievements, with the first team, second team, and U18s side all clinching league victories in the previous season.

Dedication to Women’s Cricket: Thunder Emerging Player Programme

Highlighting their dedication to women’s cricket, Ramsbottom boasts five players on the Thunder Emerging Player Programme, representing Lancashire and the North West of England.

Player’s Perspective: Embracing the Challenge

Imogen Young, a 17-year-old wicketkeeper-batter for Ramsbottom’s women’s and girls’ first XI, expressed anticipation for the challenge of playing against men. She believes it will contribute to the development of both players and the team, hoping it will encourage more women to join the club.

Upcoming Campaign and Well-Wishes

The team is scheduled to kick off their league campaign against Bacup on April 20, followed by their first home game against Accrington on April 27. Mr. Bibby conveyed his best wishes, saying, “It’s a massive step, and I wish them every success.

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